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How to Crush It for a Cause: Hosting a Charity Shoot


Frigid temps find us cuddled up on the sofa or in some manner, tucked safely indoors. This time of year, it is a bit tough to get motivated to get outside and do anything – much less go shooting or hunting. As we moved through January, many of you no doubt wrote down resolutions. Some of those resolutions might have included giving back to the community or helping with a local charity. Why not combine that resolution with an incredible sport, shotgunning? Read More

Your Ultimate Guide to Competitive Shooting Success


The start of a new year brings fresh opportunities, and for competitive shooters, it marks the beginning of a new season filled with promise and potential. Whether you’re a seasoned competitor or aiming for your breakout year, success in this sport isn’t just about skill – it’s about preparation, planning and having a clear roadmap for the months ahead and your competitive shooting success. Read More

Heating Up Your Game on Cold Days


By this time of year, the shorts and tank tops are tucked into the far reaches of our closets. Several of us have already enjoyed a snowy morning. December schedules heated up with holiday parties and get-togethers, but the temperatures across most of the country are quickly cooling. For some of us, these temps mean less time on the clay course; but, for those of us that brave the frigid temps, how can we get the most out of our performance – not only in our own shooting, but also with our ammunition and shotguns? Read More

Shotgun Stories: How the Syren L4S Connects a Mother and Daughter


I recently interviewed Maggie Kelch and her daughter, Jessica, both avid clay target shooters, hunters and all around outdoorsy ladies. Maggie and I shoot sporting clays on Ladies Night at Hill’n Dale Club in Montville, Ohio, and her daughter (a school teacher) joins our group from time to time. Both of these ladies are great shots and love their Syren L4S shotguns. Find out how things have changed for them along the way. Read More

Dove Hunting Tips: Getting after the Grey Ghosts


If you’re like me, you wish away the summer, even cursing it for interrupting your hunt season and making you hang up your bird vest. The mid-Atlantic can be a bit brutal, though, especially in September when the season comes back. It also sees its fair share of hurricanes and flat-out ugly thunderstorms. The dove migration is highly susceptible to these strong storms, and you’ll often hear chatter about the birds getting “blown out.”

It doesn’t take but a week or two for the birds to become educated and even more evasive, giving them that oh-so-appropriate name, “Grey Ghosts.” So, with such fickle and punishing weather and temperamental targets, why do so few utilize the summer months to prepare? Read More

Can You Do It All with One Shotgun?


“Dead bird! Dead bird!” Ah, so satisfying hearing the ref call those words. Anne had to work to control her excitement as she inched her way around the skeet field. She was a little nervous about the second half of her day though when she would rotate to the trap field. Some of her squad-mates told her that she shouldn’t expect to fair as well in trap unless she had a dedicated trap gun. Read More

Mental Game: Clays Will Make You Crazy But Don’t Let Them


Sporting clays is a sport. It’s even part of the name! I’m hopefully not telling you something you didn’t already know; however, it could very well be something that you didn’t fully comprehend or recognize. Sports, in general, have a game plan. In clays, it’s just you in the box. There is no one to decipher the moves of the opponent other than you and your own training and experience. So, if there is no one else to affect our performance, why is performance anxiety a constant factor? This month, we look deep into the mental game of clay shooting and how we can develop a solid plan for success. Read More

Syren and the 2nd Annual ‘Guns, Girls & Pearls’


What happens when two Texas female powerhouses combine their love of shooting with their desire to give back to their community? This May, it’s the 2nd Annual “Guns, Girls & Pearls” event, the brainchild of friends Betsy Price and Linda Halbouty, of Fort Worth. The event raises money for the United Way, and in particular the United Way of Tarrant County Women United fund. Read More

Shoot, Shop and Savor at the 2nd Annual Feathers & Tweed


Feathers & Tweed is a one-day, limited engagement that brings together the best of the industry in a time-conscience and easy-to-engage format. This dynamic event was founded by Minnesota’s very own Laura Schara in collaboration with Minnesota Horse & Hunt Club. She wanted to showcase her tried-and true-favorites for the outdoors. Laura understands fully how busy our schedules can be and knows how difficult it can be to cut through all the “junk” to get to what really works on the course and in the field. So, she is proudly bringing you the 2nd Annual Feathers & Tweed! Read More

Bad Shooting Habits: How to Break the Cycle


Syren pro-staffer Kate Ahnstrom walks you through ways to break old, bad shooting habits.

With the new year, we all eagerly welcome the chance to hit the “reset” button. This rebirth is a way to shake off the old and start anew. But, what if some of your old habits are the only thing you know, especially when it comes to shooting? How do you break that cycle of consistent inconsistency in your shooting? Are you sure you are employing every tool in your toolbox to create success? Read More

So You Want to Buy a Syren Shotgun?


Maybe you’ve attended a Syren Demo Day, and fallen in love with how a shotgun designed to fit women actually does fit women (and therefore, feels great) and now you’ve decided to buy a shotgun. Or maybe you’ve heard about Syren shotguns from friends and family? Or maybe you’ve seen content and ads online and in topnotch magazines? What’s next and how can you get a Syren shotgun into your hands quickly? Read More

Syren Savvy: Megan Watts with More Advice for Waterfowl Hunting


We interviewed Megan Watts, aka “the Waterfowl Queen,” back in 2021. We wanted to check with her to see if she could further enlighten us with waterfowl hunting tips for this year. We caught her at a time in her life when she’s super busy; besides getting out to hunt (which is her passion) and fulfilling duties as a pro-staffer for Syren, she’s also completing training for being a dental hygienist. Megan hunts with Syren’s XLR5 Waterfowler. Read More

Take a Trip with Your Shotgun


Finally! The plane has landed and is taxiing into the jetway. A well-deserved weekend getaway with your friends is imminent, just as soon as the gate agent opens the aircraft door. You’ve been planning this trip for months, excitedly taking advantage of being able to shoot a few rounds at a world-renowned sporting clays complex. You are on a trip with your shotgun, at last. Read More

Montana State Women’s Trap League Here to Stay


Just like anywhere in the country, shooting sports is on the rise, and that is no different in the state of Montana. Along with the trending increase of women’s interest in the shotgun shooting sports came the introduction of a women’s trap shooting league, the Montana State Women’s Trap League (MSWTL). This is the story of how that organization came about, and where it’s going. Read More

Shotgun Maintenance 101


Syren pro-staffer Kate Ahnstrom runs through tips for shotgun maintenance 101. This is a great how-to for newbies and a refresher for seasoned shotgunners. Take care of your shotgun and hopefully, it will perform well for you when you need it. ~BB Read More

How to Host a Syren Demo Day


Syren pro-staffer Kate Ahnstrom runs through the how’s and why’s of hosting a Syren Demo Day.

“Do NOT go out and buy a shotgun.” When I tell my students this, their mouths usually gape open a bit in total disbelief. The fact stands, 99% of the people that want a new shotgun, have no idea what they want to purchase. Unlike most of your Amazon purchases, there is no return policy on guns – or even ammo, for that matter. You own whatever you purchase until you can either convince your buddy that she wants it more than you do, or sell it through an online site or your local sporting goods store. None of those options will ever recoup the price you paid, because it is technically now a used a gun.

This is why I absolutely love hosting a Syren Demo Day. Twice a year, spring and fall, for a few hours at my home course, I will bring in Syren with a selection of inventory and some great swag so students, clients, even the general public may try before they buy. There is zero commitment to purchase, only encouragement to take advantage of the chance to shoot so many very fine shotguns in one event. Read More

ChatGPT (AI): Upland Hunting and Shotgun Sports


I had a conversation with a new and exciting artificial intelligence program called ChatGPT (short for Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) about upland hunting and shotgun sports. I wanted to see if I could stump it, find out how accurate it really was and see if its programming had any bias on these subjects. The results of my conversations were, well, quite shocking! Read More

Syren’s Julia and Her Debut at Sporting Clays


The past year was tough. Both of my parents died within a few days of each in the summer of 2021. It fell upon me to write their obituaries. As a result, it became evident to me about the importance of living (as my little sister says) “between the dash.” You know, it’s the dash you see in obituaries located between a birthday and a death date – all the things that people accomplish and become during that space, their lives here on earth. As part of living between the dash, I decided that there is one skill I want to improve in the near future: sporting clays shooting. Fortunately, for me, I can do this feat in relative proximity to my home here in the Ozarks of Missouri, and even more fortunate, I purchased a wonderful shotgun – the Syren Julia Sporting. Read More

Syren Shotgun Shopping 101


‘Tis the season for fabulous get-togethers, overindulgences in food and drink, and that age-old desperation of shopping for those we love. That perfect gift always seems to elude us. What’s worse, when asked by our beloved, “What would you like this year?”, our response is meager at best with, “Oh, I don’t know.” Yes, you do. You totally know what you want – it’s a shiny new Syren shotgun to call your own and to take to hunts, clay fields, and beyond. When it comes to deciding on what shotgun to add to the gun safe, there are a few poignant questions that should be answered to ensure that you purchase the shotgun that is right for you and for your needs. Read More

Rules of Engagement: Get Ready for Upland Hunting


The hunt season doors have burst open across the country and in some locations, snow already is falling! This is the best time of year. Here in Virginia, the mountains are phasing their lush green canopies into a majestic landscape of golds, reds and oranges. The chilly, frosty mornings are a welcome respite from the searing heat of August and we are all leaping at any opportunity to get out in the upland hunt field. But are you ready? Read More

Chokes and Ammo: Know Before You Go


Full chokes, skeet chokes, duck loads, target loads, slugs. This is a field that is extremely diverse and quite often difficult to navigate. A quick Google search will yield a plethora of information, but will also inundate a new shooter and often perplex even the most experienced one. I want to preface this entire article with my humble opinion – less is seriously more. I rarely stray from set up and enjoy great success over multiple disciplines and applications. Let’s take a look at what is a choke and what it means to “choke” your gun. Read More

What shotshell load should you use to crush the center of a clay?


It’s the American way: Bigger, better, faster, now. Actually, it’s the way most of the world thinks especially when it comes to shotshells. Just a short jaunt through the ammo aisle at your local sporting goods store is enough to make your shoulder hurt just at the sight of some of those shell boxes. Will those superfast, hot and heavy loads give you more X’s on your scorecard or more birds in your bag? Meh, maybe… but some time with a professional instructor and a little practice at the clay course will take your shooting much further than 1350fps. Read More

Do You Need More than One Shotgun?


The easiest way to complete a job successfully is to be sure you use the right tool. There are literally thousands of different tools out there in the world, but you certainly don’t want to try and hammer in a nail with a pair of pliers. Although, in an act of desperation, I have at times done exactly this instead of just taking a moment to find the actual hammer. It can be done but it ain’t pretty or even particularly functional. The exact same thing can be said about guns and whether you need more than one shotgun. Read More

Shooting vs Training: Are You Building Skills or Pulling the Trigger?


You love shooting your shotgun, especially if it’s a fabulous Syren. You even set aside time every couple of weeks to go to your local clay course. You break clays, you miss clays, and you have a lot of fun, especially when the weather is gorgeous, and friends are going around the course with you. But your shooting isn’t improving. As a matter of fact, some days, you would swear it looked like you had never seen a clay target in your life, which begs the question, “Are You Building Skills or Pulling the Trigger?” Read More

How to Choose the Right Shotgun Instructor


If you’re looking for the right shotgun instructor, it’s important to ask the right questions. I visited Syren’s stellar Facebook group and asked these two questions: “If you’re a student, what types of questions have you asked or wished you had asked in the past?” and “If you’re an instructor, what do you think students should find out about their future instructors?” As usual, the answers amazed me and what these women had to say will benefit you in how to choose the right shotgun instructor. It might save you some money, too! Read More

How To Get Started In Youth Shotgun Sports


Going from zero-to-one is sometimes the most daunting task when you want to start a new hobby – especially if you don’t know where to begin, or how to get the information you need. Some of us get lucky, and we know a friend or family member who already is involved with a sport that we can rely on to point us in the right direction or connect us to a local team or organization. For others, it’s not so easy. In order to help, we’ve shared experiences in hopes of setting a course for the next generation of shotgun sports champions. Plus, find out what happened during our recent trips to the 2021 SCTP Nationals and AIM/ATA Grand American Championships.
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Should I Buy a Semi-Auto or an Over/Under Shotgun?


On May 10, 2020, on the Syren Owners Group on Facebook, there was a post made from a helpful gun dealer attempting to tackle a question that he gets asked often: When purchasing a shotgun for competitive shooting, should you get a semi-auto or an over-and-under (O/U)? We believe his response was worth reposting, as many shooters often ask this question, and the insights expressed may just help with your purchasing decision.
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Transitioning from Shooting Clays to Hunting


Syren pro-staffer Kate Ahnstrom has been busy this past year, teaching shotgun and guiding field hunts in central Virginia, at her business, Virginia Shooting Sports. With the trend of more people hunting, we wanted to check with Kate about transitioning from the shotgun sports to the hunting field and what that entails. Read More

Customer Testimonial: Clara Wolfe and her Syren Elos D2 28g

By BLOG, Customer Testimonial

Say hello to Clara Wolfe, and her dog Syrene! Clara is a 17-year-old Junior at Bennett High in Colorado. She is an avid bird hunter and recently picked up a Syren Elos D2 28g Left Hand model for the winter to use in the field and on the trap and skeet fields. She liked it so much that she recently named her new four-legged hunting companion Syrene (rhymes with Irene) because it meant a lot to her to be coached through SCTP over the years by a lady shooter, and of course, she loves her new gun too! We love that Clara, and thanks, it made us smile! The following is a customer testimonial from Clara on her experiences with her new Syren Elos D2.
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Syren Owners Group on Facebook


We’re delighted to focus this post on Syren’s “Owners Group” on Facebook, set up especially for people who own Syren shotguns, with this purpose: “Post your photos, tell us your Syren stories and share your experiences and discussions with other Syren owners right here.”

I own a Syren Elos shotgun, and it’s been hunting in pheasant fields of Kansas and Nebraska, and out on skeet and trap ranges here in Missouri. It has not disappointed. I love the balance, and the overall design of this gun. It’s also beautiful.

I joined the Facebook group shortly after it launched, and again, no disappointments there. It’s a respectful place where people gather and do what outdoor lovers do – share their stories, ask questions about shotgunning and sometimes, rarely, ask how to correct a problem.
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Meet Syren Pro-Staffer Kate Ahnstrom


Syren’s pro-staffer Kate Ahnstrom exemplifies a strong woman who knows where she’s going and knows where she’s been. From an exciting career in the airline business to becoming a well-reputed shooting instructor in one of Virginia’s finest shooting schools, Kate manages to get it done and appears to do so effortlessly. Add to that her interesting hobby of raising draft horses, hunting in New Zealand and fishing at Hatteras, all these choices in her life combine to make a jet-setting, yet grounded woman. We knew you’d like to learn more about Kate’s lifestyle. Read More